Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

Vegetable Culinary Training

Vegetable Culinary Training

By Admin / April 30, 2022

Duedro Rangwa Zhidey Tshogchung is initiating a vegetable culinary training at Sonam Tshongkhang restaurant, Paro since 26th April, 2022. There are around 35 traninees from around Bhutan who is taking part in the training. The objective behind the training program is to enhance and teach the trainees to prepare outstanding vegetable cuisines hence it aims to replace the non-vegetable cuisines with it. As the organization focuses on promoting vegetarianism, such training program is initiated as the success factor of achieving the goal. Most of the participants are loyal members of DRZT and have become vegetarian through this organization therefore they also aims to learn on how to cook various vegetable cuisines to promote vegetarianism.